Reflcting on Reflecting
Last night we had TI and I learned what I probably kind of knew, that I wasn't spending enough time on my reflections, or that I didn't reflect enough.
So here goes.
Since VirtCamp, I have learned about juggling. I realize I am so busy that I don't often let myself get to the reflection. I've been thinking about this since last night when my predictions were confirmed. I think there is a sense of fear as well. I'm a little afraid of going there but I do know, I don't know myself well enough. I think blogging is a good exercise for me because it gets me to my reflection...or at least I think it will.
So the comment MM made was to take your brain out and look at it.
When I stand back from myself I see a few things. One I see a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. I see all the roles I play in relationships which are vitally important. Sometimes I think to a fault. One of my one values and sayings that defines me is "there is always time". This saying sometimes comes back to haunt me when I don't get enough sleep or don't spend enough time doing what I want or need to take care of myself. I know I have always been a busy person, but this last year has brought me to a new level of busy.
I have learned maybe I haven't been learning from my mistakes because I don't have time to process what is happening. I have so many ideas I don't know what to do with them. In this program even more so, ideas of businesses to start, ways to expand my business and how I make my income. I'm used to doing, not thinking.
The other thing MM says which I think I'm addressing now is what makes me tick.
As I mentioned above, my relationships are a large part of what makes me tick. I am a very relationship driven person and my relationships are very important to me. It is very important that I am there when people in my life need me, especially my mom. Since my Dad died, one of the things that consumes me everyday is my mom and is she ok and can I do something to make her less sad.
I feel like I'm all over the board here...I'm not letting any particular thought get to a reflection so I'm going to focus.
OK back to reflecting on reflecting....
I think I'm so busy trying to juggle my time and all the other parts of my life, I'm just trying to check things off. I'm not spending enough time getting to the aha moments. This will be part of my goal for this program. I think I also confuse reflections with my feelings, which I'm not sure are the same. I'm used to journaling how I feel and how it made me feel etc, but not what I have learned or why I did what I did. This will be very good for me I know.
If I try to stand outside myself and look at myself, I see a VERY busy person, that is the most obvious thing to me. Over the last month I have learned I'm a pretty good task manager. My approach to things is that of a fireman. For me this doesn't mean you just put out fires but you put out the BIGGEST fires first. I don't only have one fire in my life, I literally have many, I just have to decide everyday which one to put out. Then I'm afraid I'm not spending enough time with my kids, husband etc. I think I have a tremendous amount of guilt to work through for being a working mom, but that's a different blog.
I also feel like I'm too preoccupied with finishing things that I do miss the process. I'm so busy trying to move on to the next thing. For example, right now I'm trying so hard to get this done so I can get my timeline done so we can go to the lake. I don't let myself get to the reflection. This is going to be a real challenge for me.
I need to slow down enough to think a little. so feedback anyone??? HELP!!