Learning about me
I've come to look forward to the blogging and the mental exercise of making the connections. It is truly like exercise for me in that I have to work quite diligently to make sense of the things that have happened and then to connect those things and hence learn from them. But I do see it happening.
One of the things I've really noticed helps me in my business of this program and the rest of my life is to keep taking it a day at a time and to know what I have to do. It seems that I feel like I am much more in control when I at least know what I have to do. It makes me feel like it's more managable. I haven't come up with exactly how to do that but it does occur to me that other people must struggle with this too. Is this such a personal thing though, organization that one couldn't build a generic enough system to make it helpful to everyone or is my life just that much more complex to organize, that I'm not sure of yet.
I also realize the only way to tackle any large project, such as this degree is to break it up into managable chunks with corresponding deadlines so time doesn't slip away and I don't get behind. It occurs to me that this is a very trasferrable skill in any regard, breaking something large down in order to make it doable. I think of training for a marathon as a good example, although I've never done that.
So I try to spend a little time the night before or the morning of to organize my day and layout what needs to get done. I have also learned that because the organization factor seems to be the backbone for me to make all of these things happen, when something goes awry in my schedule, it does tend to throw me for a loop. I'm working on that, not letting a little wave or a big tidal wave for that matter, throw me off course, to keep tredging my way forward and not to lose sight of the goal. I don't however, want to become so single minded that I don't recognize an opportunity to take another path or road that comes my way or presents it self.
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